A recipe and an exercise_the mini edit. (digital)
Sit back and de-stress with pictures, texts and animations that work together.
Sit back and de-stress your nevous system. Len deg tilbake og ro ned
(avstress) nervesystemet ditt.
Category: A Self-help produkt. Included in the series Preventive Mental Health
Number of slides: 10
Duration: automatic presentation 01:28,46 min. (you can adjust to your own pace)
File: ppsm (zip)
The main intentions here is to enable yourself to avail yourself with enough time in quietude so as to listen to your psyche (yourself, the essencial you) and learn how to achnowledge and and become aware of the matters that are at the core of your function, tasks on a daily basis, and letting you make good choices (decisions). Give yourself plenty of time, practice patience and attention. This exercise help you to do that in your own pace.
If things, thoughts, memories or associations appear that feels troublesom, pause, then you may need counseling.
Pris/Price: 60,- Nkr (approx 6,- USD)
An important rule of thumb in cases of mental overload. This rule is especially important after emotionally demanding experiences. You are automatically presented with the next one. You can pause an image, linger on it, and decide when you want to move on to the next one. Illustrations have a universal language.
Have a pleasant journey!
Kind Regards
Astrid E. Klungseth
Photos, Texts & Design: Astrid Elsie Klungseth.
This goes for all products, if not otherwise written at the product page.
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Vitenskapelig Humanistisk Psykologi, Fenomenologisk, Eksistensiell, Psykodynamisk, Psykoanalytisk.
Grunnleggende Teorier for Psykoterapi og Forskning
Vitenskapelig Humanistisk Psykologi, Fenomenologisk, Eksistensiell, Psykodynamisk, Psykoanalytisk.
Kurs i grunnleggende teoretisk fundament og terapeutiske metoder i Astrid E.K sitt arbeid.
Vitenskapelig Humanistisk Psykologi, Fenomenologisk, Eksistensiell, Psykodynamisk, Psykoanalytisk.
Flere tema kan tilbys. På alle kunnskapsnivå.
Vitenskapelig Humanistisk Psykologi, Fenomenologisk, Eksistensiell, Psykodynamisk, Psykoanalytisk.
Grunnleggende Teorier for Psykoterapi og Forskning
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