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Nkr 75,- (EURO about 6,34) USD approx. 6, 83 

The price may vary in accordance with the fluctuation of the currency)



e-Book: 36 pp

Tasks: 6 stk. exersices

Aim: Expanding your percepetual field.


Although this test requires readingskills, you can benefit on the test even when one can't read. Just focus on the forms, shapes and the structure of them.



Calligraphy can sometimes be difficult to read. And a strenuous task for the eye, the brain, and the psyche to exercise one’s perception to discover, disentangle and understand complex formes that are composed of distinct lines, curves and dots. For this reason, you hereby have presented before you enriching texts in various forms, so as to let you develop your perception, concentration, focus and capacity of your eye, brain, and psyche. At the same time, you can return to the form where your eyes and your mind can rest and understand the text that is before your eyes. Each letter a symbol of it’s own meaning. Letters put together forming a more comprehensive meaning. Letters made of simple lines the eaiest to see and comprehend than curving letters, and letters that are combining curves and straight lines. Let your self learn to read in all of the here present written forms. Gradually, you will see and understand more sorts of forms. 

Trauma and a shortage of experience can inhibit and prvent your field of attention to someting lesser than one's embeded capacity. These exercises includes enriching and motivating texts as you progress from one task to the next. 

But, don't forget to allow your self a pause or a few to rest, time-outs are as important for the brains as for the muscles, and incases of trauma beforehand, it is benefitable to reduce unneccesary stress and strain. 


You can do it!

This test lays demands on no one. Its not a test for others tha yourself,  but it is an equippment you can use, if you wants to. Although this test requires readingskills, you can benefit on the test even when one can't read. Just focus on the forms, shapes and the structure of them.





Expand your perseptional field (six trials)

kr 75,00Pris
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